Walking Football
Monday 11:00am – 12:00pm noon
Supermarine Sports Club
Supermarine Rd, Swindon SN3 4BZ, United Kingdom
Neil Fallon at taff.hammer@yahoo.co.uk, or call 07504 851672
Graham Vaughan at graham.vaughan1@gmail.com, or call 07764 219926
Shirley Tucker at shirleyt964@gmail.com
Seated Exercise Class
Tuesday 2pm – 2.45pm
Grange Leisure Centre
Numbers are limited so please contact
Linda Barrett at lindaj19@hotmail.co.uk, or call 07876 068500
Balance & Exercise Class
Wednesday 1.00pm – 1.45pm, 2.15pm – 3.00pm, 3.30pm – 4.15pm
Grange Leisure Centre
Numbers are limited so please contact
Linda Barrett at lindaj19@hotmail.co.uk, or call 07876 068500
Tai Chi
Thursday 2pm – 3pm & 3.15pm – 4.15pm
Neuro Wellbeing centre, Bradbury House, Westmead drive, Westmead
Classes are for Parkinson’s sufferers and their carers.
Maximum of 15 per class, please check on availability.
Neil Fallon at taff.hammer@yahoo.co.uk, or call 07504 851672
Graham Vaughan at graham.vaughan1@gmail.com, or call 07764 219926
Movement to Music Class
Friday 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Therapy Centre at West Swindon (previously the MS Centre)
Followed by a get together and tea if you have time.
Singing Group – Parky’s Singers
First and Third Monday of the Month 2pm – 3pm
Des Moffatt Western Community Centre, Somerset Rd, Swindon SN2 1NF We sing songs everyone knows, and everyone is welcome.
Refreshments are served after the singing session.
For more information, please contact
Kathy Hobson at hobsonkathy3@gmail.com, or call 07923 473261
Every other Wednesday from 2pm
Malmesbury Boxing Club, Gloucester Rd, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9JS
For more information, please contact
Mike Rees at malmesburyboxing@gmail.com
Martin Hanington at martin.hanington1@btinternet.com
Parkies Pals
Monthly on the first Tuesday of the Month 10am – 12 noon at
Park Golf Club, Pennyhooks Lane, Shrivenham, Swindon SN6 8EX
We are a support and friendship group for people with or without Parkinson’s primarily in the area around Shrivenham. As our numbers grow so too does general awareness of Parkinson’s. Our Parkies Pals group is becoming known outside our village, and we are recognised and supported by the Swindon Parkinson’s Activity Group and Parkinson’s UK, both of which we have raised funds for over the 5 years since I founded the group when I was diagnosed.
We meet regularly on the first Tuesday of the month in the Cuckoo’s Nest room at the Shrivenham Park Golf Club.
Everyone is welcome so come along, make new friends in a relaxed and casual environment.
If you wish to know more, please contact Kerry Hartman on 07875416236,
Email: parkiespals@outlook.com
Website: www.ParkiesPals.co.uk

Parkinson’s Coffee and Cake Social.
We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month between 10:30-12:30.
Gorse Hill Community Centre, Chapel Street SN2 8DA
sharonfulcher@aol.com 07958165423