Some of our carers meet informally on Tuesday between 2-2.45pm and Wednesday between 1-3.45pm at Grange Leisure while the Balance & Exercise Classes are taking place. The Group organically developed around these classes and has proved very beneficial.
It is an opportunity to share experiences, problems and concerns and also unburden yourself. As they say “a problem shared is a problem halved”. Importantly there is also a lot of banter and fun to be enjoyed and to quote again “laughter is medicine”. One lady who joined recently has said “that it was the first time in two years that she had laughed or smiled”.
With the ratio being 3 men for every 2 ladies who get Parkinson’s, the majority of carers will tend to be ladies, however, don’t let this put off gentlemen carers and we do have some. One Group member has said that they prefer to be called wives (or husbands/partners) who care and not carers.
If you are a Carer and feel you need support then just come along and join the Group. You will find them in the Bar area at Grange Leisure chatting away with a coffee or other beverage. They would love to see you. Remember you don’t have to face Parkinson’s alone.